Professional Lactation Support
Embracing Lactation LLC
In Person - Telehealth
In Person - Telehealth
Dedicated to providing expert lactation support and guidance. As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Kim understands the unique challenges and joys that come with breastfeeding/infant feeding and she is here to empower and support you and your baby on this journey.
Lactation Services
Specializing in Exclusively Pumping, Breast Pumps, Milk Donation and Surrogacy related situations
Supporting ALL Infant Feeding Situations Meet Kim
Kimberly Jarest, IBCLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
A lactation consultant or IBCLC is a trained expert in infant feeding. That includes breastfeeding, bottle feeding and exclusively pumping. A baby who is bottle fed may still have trouble transferring milk or formula from the bottle because of possible tongue tie, tight body, bottle refusal and many other reasons. If you're pumping, a lactation consultant can flange fit you. Maybe you have concerns about your baby's weight. Are you going back to work soon? You might even be pregnant and looking to learn what options you have. I can help you meet you and your baby's goals!
Serving families in the Monadnock Region, Cheshire County and surrounding areas.